Kantor Greece offers its clients consulting services of the highest possible quality, adhering to environmental standards, in order to attain the maximum satisfaction of their needs within the limits of professionalism and ethics. The Company has achieved to combine the highest quality of its daily operations with the concurrently minimization of its impact on the environment, by applying an up to date Unified Management System policy.

High quality is the result of a combination between technical capabilities, professional skills and creativity of Directors, staff and Company associates, as well as perception, understanding and satisfaction of the client’s needs. In this context, the Management of the Company ensures that Kantor’s Greece.Environmental policy continues to improve and effectively integrates with its staff. High Unified Management System is expressed through:

  • complete technical knowledge of the subject, full acquaintance with latest developments in the subject area and utilization of cutting-edge environmental friendly methodologies and support tools;
  • effective communication with the client and “production” of simple, clear, understandable and compendious solutions in an environmental efficient manner; and
  • close monitoring of time schedules and timely submission of deliverables, applying Company’s environmental rules

Unified Management System requires complete dedication to the project, as well as utilization of the full capabilities of the staff and the associates involved with the concurrently minimization of Company's impact on the environment. For the achievement of the highest possible unified management system efficiency, the Company relies on the following principles:

  • establishment of the central role of the Management of the Company in Unified Management System operations through decision making, regular meetings with the Unified Management System team and control;
  • identification and assessment of the risks and opportunities in each Process as well as on a project basis which leads to the effective prevention of risks and seizing of opportunities;
  • complete understanding of the client’s needs and specifications of the project’s terms of reference;
  • project design and commitment to deliver in an environmental friendly manner only what has a high probability of being met by the Company;
  • selection of staff and associates with proven technical capabilities and professional skills, followed by their proper allocation for the formation of the Project Team;
  • dealing with client demands in an effective, creative and reliable manner, as these are expressed in the terms of reference agreed with the client;
  • respect of agreed deadlines and satisfaction of undertaken obligations;
  • analysis, at the end of the project, of the data related to the project’s progress, any problems faced or comments from the client
  • emphasis to the constant improvement of the services offered, but also of the Processes of the Company as a whole. Optimization of Processes is measured through performance indices for each Process.
  • promotion of teleconferencing, teleworking and more flexible work schedules.
  • minimization of the energy dissipation from the building (e.g. heating, lighting, cold and noise through thermal insulating windows and frames);
  • use of environmentally friendly maintenance materials for the building;
  • participation in the local community with Environmental Corporate Social Responsibility events (i.e. tree planting and other events);
  • recycle electronic devices at the suitable containers inside Company’s building (i.e. batteries, computers, cables, lamps);
  • re-use electronic devices and stationery from old colleagues;
  • reduction of prints and use of recycled paper;
  • promotion of the use of electronic vs hard copy files;
  • collaboration  with suppliers with environmental friendly policies;
  • use returnable water bottles;
  • recycle paper, plastic and glass;
  • promotion through our corporate e-mail signatures environmental friendly messages (i.e. “think before you print”);
  • promotion of the use of environmental friendly transportation systems(i.e. use of public transport means, carpooling).

Unified Management System Teams’ responsibility is to communicate and monitor the performance of the Company against the above mentioned elements, to continually improve Kantor’s Greece Unified Management System performance and to ensure that Kantor's Greece staff and external partners are aware of the most updated Unified Management System Policy and its related objectives and activities.

The Company complies with Greek, E.U. and International legislation, as well as with legislation that applies in countries in which it undertakes projects.

Certificate ISO 9001:2015