Kantor Management Consultants supported the Greek authorities in drafting the Legislative Framework of renewable gas fuel, the introduction of biomethane and the development of a domestic market.
Today, more than ever, Europe and the Member States need investments in more sustainable and resilient renewable energy. Energy autonomy and reliable national resources have become a necessity. Within the REPowerEU plan, the Biomethane Action Plan has set clear targets: Europe needs to achieve the production of 35 bcm of biomethane by 2030.
What is biomethane?
Biogas is gaseous renewable fuel that is made by breaking down organic matter by microbial action using anaerobic digestion technology. Biomethane produced in this way has the qualities as fossil gas (often called natural gas) and can be used to de-carbonise a range of sectors such as heat, transport and power generation.
Kantor’s work on biomethane
Kantor Management Consultants supported the European Union Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators in assessing the energy transition aspects as applicable to gas infrastructure by identifying of possible energy transition regulatory solutions to address the gaps and areas for improvement needed to allow the introduction of hydrogen and the methane emissions abatement regarding the gas transmission, distribution, storage and regasification facilities.
Kantor Management Consultants provided assistance to various Greek institutional bodies that are engaged in the biomethane sector in Greece. Kantor has supported Greek Authorities in drafting Legislative Framework on the introduction of biomethane as an injectable renewable gas fuel and the development of the relevant domestic market.
Our work was focused on conducting a feasibility study of the biomethane production in Greece and its injection into the natural gas distribution networks as well as an evaluation of the current, domestic business activity.
Upgrading the existing biogas facilities in Greece to produce more biomethane and expanding the production capacity will provide Greece with a more resilient and sustainable energy mix and system.
This Legislative Framework will set the basis for the development of a national strategy on sustainable biomethane production and will introduce the use or integration of the biomethane component in the National Energy and Climate Plan.